Kay & Kate Allinson

Pinch of Nom Comfort Food

Verlag / Herausgeber:   Bluebird
EAN:   9781529035018
Erscheinungsdatum*:   Mai 2024
Verkaufspreis Deutschland:   20,00 €
Kate and Kay Allinson owned a restaurant together on the Wirral, where Kate was head chef. Together they created the Pinch of Nom blog with the aim of teaching people how to cook. They began sharing healthy, slimming-friendly recipes and today Pinch of Nom is the UK's most visited food blog with an active and engaged online community of over 1.5 million followers. They are the authors of Pinch of Nom, Pinch of Nom: Quick and Easy, Pinch of Nom: Comfort Food and more.

Kate and Kay Allinson owned a restaurant together on the Wirral, where Kate was head chef. Together they created the Pinch of Nom blog with the aim of teaching people how to cook. They began sharing healthy, slimming-friendly recipes and today Pinch of Nom is the UK's most visited food blog with an active and engaged online community of over 1.5 million followers. They are the authors of Pinch of Nom, Pinch of Nom: Quick and Easy, Pinch of Nom: Comfort Food and more.


Die Historie enthält Angaben zur Gesamtanzahl der Platzierungen, Top-Platzierungen, sowie eine grafische Darstellung des Platzierungsverlaufes.

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